Musical adventures in 2020

We are already in February, and I trust your 2020 has begun well! Aside from a few aches and pains here and there, my New Year hasn’t been too bad, and I do have great expectations from it, especially in November! Musically, lots will be happening in my life this...

Eastward Bound in Concert!

A long awaited concert is fast approaching: Eastward Bound will be performing this Saturday, January 5 at Livonia’s Trinity House Theatre. John, Scott and I are thrilled to kick start the 2019 concert season at this super nice listening venue with an exciting...

Happy New Year!

Here is to a fabulous New Year to you all! I started writing this post a few weeks ago, and before I turned around, 2019 has already crept in. Last year was a whirlwind year of music for me, with lots of performances woven into my otherwise pretty packed life: total...

On the Threshold of Spring

Can you believe it is almost spring? Time flew by so quickly since my previous post in September of last year … before I knew it, six months have gone … poof! A number of exciting things took place in the musical sphere of my life meanwhile, with several...

Last Night I dreamt…

In less than two weeks I will be performing again at one my favorite venues, Tea Room at the Crazy Wisdom bookstore, downtown Ann Arbor. This time, I am going to devote most of the evening to songs from my former home country, Yugoslavia, which is no more … To give...